This new feature perfectly fits me.
But I didn't understand how to switch to them? I mean if I try to setup proxy connection, it becomes to Floating Servers, not Fixed Servers. How to switch? How to know what locations are available?
1 Comment
By default Stealth Proxy generator shows random server from the pool. There is three options to get it:
Select in drop down menu "All Region (for subscriptions)" press OK. After that select in second drop down menu "URL List / All Protocols" and press OK again. Open subscription URL. This will start automatic download of .txt file including all the servers and protocols. Search manually for "nl-global0" in .txt file to find correct configuration information.
Do the same, but import configuration file to any Stealth Proxy client such as v2rayNG or Nekoray. That way you can quickly find the needed protocol/country and configuration.
You can cycle thought servers in generator. Select the same way location like in the screenshot you provided and only change "Switch protocol" drop down menu (swap protocol) and press OK. Eventually you will get fixed server there, which will be named "nl-global0".